CAC Pastor Defiles His Daughter For 5 Years- NGO
Written by Noble People Crew on 8 July 2020

CAC Pastor Oluwafemi Oyebola
CAC Pastor Defiles His Daughter For 5 Years, and Took Her For Abortion 3 Times Before She Reported
44-year-old pastor who simply goes by the name Oluwafemi Oyebola has been arrested for defiling his daughter. The man is said to be the head of the CAC Ogo Oluwa Parish at Owode-Egbado, and his arrest came after his daughter complained about him.
His daughter who is now 24 years revealed that her father has been carrying out the evil act on her since she was just 19 years. She reportedly said that the pastor started the act after her mother died. She also disclosed that her father had gotten her pregnant 3 times but carried her to meet a nurse who carried out the abortion.
The Man didn’t stop there, he then asked that a family planning procedure be done on her so as to avoid her getting pregnant. The 24-year-old lady noticed that her father didn’t seem to be over with ruining her life so she fled the house and reported her case to an NGO, which took up the case and the lodged a complaint to the police station. They sprang into action and arrested the man.
When the interrogation was going on, the man was asked about all what his daughter had said, and he admitted to committing the crime