My Girlfriend Left Me At Home To Get Married To Another Man In Lagos
Written by Noble People Crew on 4 August 2020

We met five years ago in my final year in the university, she was in her third year. I’ve never been so in love before. I thought she felt the same but I was wrong.
I later graduate with a second class upper in mechanical engineering , after my NYSC service I settled in the state is served not moving back home to Kwara state . I rented an apartment where I stayed with my lovely girlfriend Yetunde, I couldn’t get a good job but I was doing well for myself.
A few years later Yetunde graduated with a first class in medicine and surgery and had also served in the NYSC, all those years I paid the bills and her fees with the little I had. Not too long after Yetunde got a job in a medical firm even at that her feelings for me hadn’t seemed to change, she loved me still.
After four years of our relationship Yetunde was now paying the bills I protested saying I could manage but she refused saying I should focus more on getting a better job. Every moment we shared made me feel like I was falling in love with her the more, she was just the perfect one for me the best thing that ever happened to me was Yetunde.
Few months later, Yetunde got a promotion and she was transferred to one of the medical branch in Lagos, she said she was only going to be gone for six months. I saw her off her to the airport, told her how I was going to miss her, held hands and told her a warm goodbye, if only I knew that the next time I saw her I’d be shattered.
Two weeks later my best friend Kunle came to visit me, while we talked he invited me to one of his friends wedding in Lagos, of course I accepted I might as well drop by at Yetunde’s to say hello before I leave. The next day we headed for Lagos in a public transit, it was a Friday, I channelled it down to meet Yetunde on Sunday since she wouldn’t be working.
We arrived at the glamorous wedding the next day we were quite early, soon the wedding bells rang as the bride walked in she looked quite stunning in her white dress, she walked so majestically down the aisle, I pictured Yetunde the same when. The event started and the minister asked the groom to take off the brides veil.
My world didn’t only crash but it scrambled into tiny pieces, it was Yetunde, Yetunde was behind the veil. In a split second I flashed back on our times together suddenly I stood up all eyes turned to face me, the soon to be bride froze in shock, I didn’t seem to be able to utter a word, my quivering lips finally opened as the word “why” fell out from it her response shocked me to my bones ” what did you expect” she said as the groom asked “Do you know him ” a tear drop fell from my eyes as I said “you claimed to love me, you used me, you lied to me, how could you?” I asked “how was i supposed to live with you, you are worthless, and I see no future for us” she said, I couldn’t utter a word all I did was cry. Be careful when dating girls